League & Conferences 2024-2025
- Executive Director - Sharon Hughes - sharonhughes13@optonline.net
Burlington County Scholastic League (BCSL)
- President - Jennifer Cicale - jcicale@bordentown.k12.nj.us
- President - Steve Fortis - sfortis@gehrhsd.net
- President - Tim George - tgeorge@htsd.us
Colonial Valley Conference (CVC)
- President - Kate Dobinson - katharine.dobinson@wwprsd.org
Greater Middlesex Conference (GMC)
- President - Michael Pede - pedem@mcvts.net
Hudson County Interscholastic Athletic League (HCIAL)
- President - Vincent Almeida - valmeida@kearnyschools.com
Northwest Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC)
- President - Bill Schilling - wschilling@morriscatholic.org
North Jersey Interscholastic Conference (NJIC)
- Executive Director - Stan Fryczynski - njic@ymail.com
- President - Rich Dodd - rdodd@lrhsd.org
- President - Chuck Donahue Jr. - cdonohuejr@srsd.net
- President - Rich Shello - richardmshello@gmail.com
- President - Rich Porfido - rporfido@somsd.k12.nj.us
- President - Irv McFarland - mcfarland.i@deptfordschools.org
- President - Gus Kalikas - gkalikas@clarkschools.org
New Jersey Association of Independent Schools
For more information or to update L & C information, please contact Dena Maggio at dmaggio@njsiaa.org